If you are going to Thailand, take a close look at the local customs regulations, because even an ordinary vape can ruin your entire vacation.
Bringing home exotic figurines or a mountain of fresh fruits as a souvenir—what could be more attractive for a tourist? However, when buying gifts for yourself and numerous friends and relatives, few people think about whether the purchased items fall under customs regulations and prohibitions. The same applies to imports—people are usually only interested in alcohol, while the law may prohibit the import of plants, cigarettes, and even... seashells. What can and cannot be brought into Thailand? And what should you pay attention to when packing your suitcase for the return trip?

When passing through customs in Thailand, tourists will have to choose between two corridors—red and green. The first is for those who have items that must be declared, and the second is for those who do not.
In the green corridor, checks are random. They may scan your suitcase and ask you to open it, or they may let you through without questions.
There is a complete ban on exporting:
- items and souvenirs with the image of the Thai flag;
- drugs and pornography;
- large sums of money and securities;
- jewelry and ornaments without a store certificate and purchase receipt.

A partial ban applies to:
- weapons and explosives;
- seeds, plants, and their parts;
- any types of medications;
- images and statues of Buddha over 13 cm;
- animals;
- works of art;
- taxidermy items;
- products made from turtle shells and ivory;
- parts and components for cars.
All these items can be taken only if you have special permits from Thai authorities.

The Thai authorities carefully monitor the preservation of their natural attractions, so it is prohibited to export unprocessed seashells, corals, and dried starfish from the country.
This may result not only in an administrative fine but also a full-fledged trial.

However, souvenir products from stores and shops can be taken in any quantity.
Restrictions also apply to sand and seawater.

Thailand does not impose restrictions on the export of fruits. The exception is durian, and that only in fresh form (due to its strong pungent odor). Jam and dried slices can be taken home.
However, keep in mind that you cannot take coconuts on the plane, as they do not show up on scanners, and watermelons as they cannot withstand pressure changes and may burst in flight. All airlines allow fruits in checked baggage. Some airlines allow packaged fruit baskets in hand luggage (check with your airline in advance).

Restrictions apply not only to the export of certain items from Thailand but also to their import. When traveling to Phuket or other resorts in the kingdom, make sure your suitcase does not contain:
- drugs;
- pornographic videotapes and discs;
- unlicensed materials;
- electronic cigarettes, vapes, and IQOS;
- hookahs;
- counterfeit goods and royal seals.
However, you can freely bring into Thailand:
- cigarettes (up to 200 per person);
- 1 liter of alcohol;
- 50 cigars;
- 250 grams of loose tobacco;
- up to 20,000 dollars in cash;
- medications for personal use.
Be careful and count/measure everything mentioned above precisely—because even one extra cigarette will not only have to be left at customs but also paid for. And a $1,000 fine is not the best way to start a vacation on paradise islands.